Chances are, you know someone who has either had brain cancer or who went through a scare and had to be tested for brain cancer. It is a sad and unfortunate disease and one that nobody wants to develop. The earlier you detect brain cancer, the better your prognosis tends to be. The problem is, however, that most people do not know that much about brain cancer. For example, did you know there are many different types of brain cancer? Knowing a bit more about three of the most common types of brain cancer can help you stay on the lookout for symptoms.
Acoustic Neuroma
This is a type of brain cancer that occurs when the shells that form a protective coating around the nerves in your brain start developing tumors. It can often be treated surgically when it is detected early, but the problem is that the early symptoms are easily overlooked. Patients with acoustic neuroma often first develop a lack of coordination, dizziness that comes and goes, and tingling in the face. Some develop a ringing sensation in their ears, and eventually hearing loss in one ear becomes noticeable.
CNS Lymphoma
This type of cancer forms in the lymphatic tissue, which is tissue responsible for carrying watery fluid throughout your body and brain. It is a very aggressive form of cancer, and patients who have it tend to have several tumors at once. It is a type of cancer to watch out for it you have ever been diagnosed with an auto-immune disorder or if you are immunocompromised. The symptoms often include headaches, visual problems, and trouble with speech. Later on, patients may develop paralysis on one side of their body. Seizures that seem to develop out of nowhere may be due to CNS lymphoma.
This is a form of cancer that may form in the medulla, which is the portion of the brain responsible for non-conscious actions like breathing and regulating heart rate. The cancer can spread through the spinal fluid into the spinal cord if not diagnosed and treated early. It is often seen in children but can occur in adults too. The symptoms, strangely enough, often mimic those of pregnancy. The patient will notice nausea and vomiting in the early morning, headaches, changes in personality, and feelings of lethargy. These symptoms often worsen as the patient then develops double vision and feelings of pressure behind the eyes.
To learn more, contact a brain cancer center near you.
Share8 April 2018
Having a daughter comes with a number of challenges. One challenge that you will one day need to tackle is determining when to introduce your daughter to the gynecologist. Do you take your daughter to the same gynecologist that you see or take her somewhere else? Do you wait until she gets her first period or do you take her in to learn about the menstrual cycle from the doctor? There is a long list of questions you likely have about introducing your daughter to the world of gynecology. Having gone through this twice myself, I have learned quite a bit and have included a lot of helpful information in my site to help other parents get through this complicated time a little easier.