3 Signs Of Dementia That You Should Look For In Your Aging Loved One

Health & Medical Blog

Alzheimer's and dementia can affect anyone as they age. If you have an aging loved one it is important that you know the signs to look for so you can detect the illness early and get your loved one the help that they need. They may need care in an assisted living center so it is important to know when it is time to admit your loved into a treatment center.

4 February 2016

What Is Hyperpigmentation And How Can It Be Treated?

Health & Medical Blog

There are several questions that people have about hyperpigmentation and how a dermatologist can treat them or a loved one who has contracted this condition. Throughout this brief article, you'll learn a bit about what hyperpigmentation is, what causes it, and how a dermatologist can treat the issue. How Is It Defined? Hyperpigmentation can be roughly described as a darkening of the skin due to an extreme amount of melanin that is present in the pigmentation; melanin is the substance in the body that controls the hue of the skin.

4 February 2016

Laser Hair Removal And IPL -- What's The Difference?

Health & Medical Blog

It's a concept that even spas seem to get confused. What's the difference between intense pulsed light (IPL) and laser hair removal? Both technologies are light-based methods of hair removal, but there are key differences. How do they work? Both IPL and laser hair removal use light to target the pigment in the hair's follicle. The objective is to heat the follicle enough to damage or destroy it and thus inhibit future hair growth.

18 January 2016

Maternal Mental Health And You: Ensuring Your Pregnancy Is Healthy

Health & Medical Blog

When you find out that you are pregnant, you likely experience a mix of emotions and thoughts. This is true whether you planned your pregnancy or not, and sometimes the negative emotions can get overwhelming. Maternal mental health issues can often be overlooked when the focus of all pregnancy health care tends to be physical. However, if you begin to feel excessive anxiety, depression, or already have a history of mental health issues, get to know more about what you can do to improve your maternal mental health and what treatment options and assistance are available to you.

4 January 2016

When Should You Take Your Daughter To The Gynecologist?

Health & Medical Blog

If you have daughters, you may wonder when the right time is to take them to see the gynecologist for the first time. Gynecologists specialize in the health of women and their reproductive parts, and seeing a gynecologist is something a girl must get used to. To determine when the right time is for your daughter, you can call a gynecologist and ask, or you could use these factors to determine when to go.

3 January 2016

Need Dental Implants? How To Get Them On A Budget

Health & Medical Blog

If dental problems such as missing or chipped teeth plague you, dental implants can be the answer that you've been looking for. You can talk with a professional, like Great Plains Oral Surgery And Implant Center, for more information. However, dental implants can be quite expensive, with the rates averaging at as much as$3,000 dollars (the price for the implant and not the crown) for a single tooth.  If you are tight on money, you may be worried that you can't proceed.

1 January 2016